When buying a house, some people tend to have a high floor to enjoy the open view and overlook the busy scenery of the city. Some people prefer low floors, take advantage of geographical location to create their own private courtyard, open the window can be close to nature, and for the family with the elderly and children, it is more convenient for daily travel.
Homes with low floors are often more susceptible to moisture due to their proximity to the ground. Especially in continuous rainy weather, the ground and walls are prone to damp phenomenon, and even rain may penetrate into the room through the window.
Imagery doors and Windows with floor drain drainage system, with advanced windproof drainage seals, effectively prevent water seepage, avoid rain back and other problems, even in the face of stormy weather is fearless!
In the context of the rapid development of today's cities, high-rise buildings are springing up like mushrooms, they are densely arranged, and there is a serious shortage of natural lighting for residences on low floors. Especially those units that are north, because of the lack of direct sunlight, the indoor environment often appears dim.
Choose a casement window design with a narrower view. The design of this window is characterized by a slim and simple border, which greatly increases the area and transparency of the glass, thus bringing better lighting effects, but also improve the overall appearance of the window level.
Low-floor homes are often adjacent to busy residential streets, parks and squares, which are crowded and noisy. For low-floor homes, it is important to ensure that the home is properly soundproofed to create a peaceful and comfortable living environment.
To solve the problem of living noise, start with choosing a soundproof door and window! Image doors and Windows select super new national standard 1.8mm wall thickness aluminum profile, combined with three seal structure design, to create superior sealing and sound insulation performance, in the bustling city, for people to build a quiet world.
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